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Что желательно иметь рейдеру...

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1. ===ХИМИЯ===


a) Tank.

15x [Super Healing Potion]
15x [Greater Stoneshield Potion] либо 15x [Ironshield Potion]
15x [Elixir of Mastery] + 15x [Elixir of Major Fortitude] либо 2x [Flask of Fortification]
15x [любая еда на +20stamina либо +30stamina]
2x [Ustable Flask of the Bandit] - для Gruul's Lair

b) DPS.

15x [Super Healing Potion]
15x [Elixir of Major Strenght] либо 2x [Flask of Relentless Assault]
15x [любая еда на +20strenght]
2x [Unstable Flask of the Soldier] либо 2x [Unstable Flask of the Beast] - для Gruul's Lair


10x [Super Healing Potion]
15x [Super Mana Potion]
15x [Elixir of Major Agility] либо 2x [Flask of Fortification]
15x [любая еда на +15agility]
2x [Unstable Flask of the Beast] - для Gruul's Lair


10x [Super Healing Potion]
15x [Super Mana Potion]
15x [Elixir of Major Agility] + 15x [Elixir of Draenic Wisdom] либо 2x [Flask of Relentless Assault]
15x [любая еда на +20agility либо +40attack power]
2x [Unstable Flask of the Bandit] - для Gruul's Lair


10x [Super Healing Potion]
15x [Elixir of Major Agility] либо 2x [Flask of Relentless Assault]
15x [Любая еда на +20agility либо +40attack power]
2x [Unstable Flask of the Bandit] - для Gruul's Lair


10x [Super Healing Potion]
20x [Super Mana Potion]
15x [Adept's Elixir] + [Elixir of Draenic wisdom] либо 2x [Flask of Supreme Power], либо в зависимости от класса:
2x [Flask of Blinding Light] либо 2x [Flask of Pure Death]
2x [Unstable Flask of the Sorceror] - для Gruul's Lair


10x [Super Healing Potion]
25x [Super Mana Potion]
15x [Elixir of Healing Power] + 15x {[Elixir of Draenic Wisdom] либо [Elixir of Major Mageblood]} либо
2x {[Flask of Distilled Wisdom] либо [Flask of Mighty Restoration]}
2x {[Unstable Flask of the Physican] либо [Unstable Flask of the Elder]} - для Gruul's Lair

Классы, не попавшие в список по билдам (мили шаманы, ретрибьюшн паладины, дисциплин присты)
подбирают химию по аналогии с похожими классами.

2. ===ЭНЧАНТЫ===


a) Tank.

Head slot.
Glyph of the Defender (Keepers of Time Revered) - +16 defense rating +17 dodge rating, 90g
Shoulder slot. Зависит от фракции.
The Aldor:
Inscription of Warding (The Aldor Honored) - +13 dodge rating либо
Greater Inscription of Warding (The Aldor Exalted) - +15 dodge rating +10 defense rating
The Scryers:
Inscription of the Knight (The Scryers Honored) - +13 defense rating либо
Greater Inscription of the Knight (The Scryers Exalted) - +15 defense rating +10 dodge rating
Back Slot.
+12 agility.
Chest Slot.
+150 Health
Wrist slot.
+12 stamina.
Hands slot.
+15 agility
Legs slot.
Clefthide Leg Armor - +30 stamina +10 agility (заплатка, крафтят лезерворкеры)
Feet Slot.
+12 stamina
Main-Hand slot.
+20 agility для бедных, Mongoose для богатых. Желательно второе.
Off-Hand slot (Shield).
+18 stamina.

b) DPS.

Head slot.
Glyph of Ferocity (Cenarion Expedition Revered) - +34 attack power +16 hit rating, 90g
Shoulder slot. Зависит от фракции.
The Aldor:
Inscription of Vengeance (The Aldor Honored) - +26 attack power
Greater Inscription of Vengeance (The Aldor Exalted) - +30 attack power +10 critical strike rating
The Scryers:
Inscription of the Blade (The Scryers Honored) - +13 critical strike rating
Greater Inscription of the Blade (The Scryers Exalted) - +15 critical strike rating +20 attack power
Back Slot.
+12 agility
Chest Slot.
+6 all stats
Wrist slot.
+12 strenght либо +24 attack power.
Hands slot.
+15 agility либо +15 strenght либо +26 attack power
Legs slot.
Cobrahide Leg Armor - +40 attack power +10 critical strike rating (заплатка, крафтят лезерворкеры)
Feet Slot.
+12 agility
Main-Hand slot.
Arms build:
2H-weapon - Savagery либо Mongoose.
Fury build:
Main-Hand Slot.
+20 agility Для бедных, Mongoose для богатых. Желательно второе
Off-Hand slot.
+20 agility Для бедных, Mongoose для богатых. Желательно второе


Head slot.
Glyph of the Defender (Keepers of Time Revered) - +16 defense rating +17 dodge rating, 90g
Shoulder slot. Зависит от фракции.
The Aldor:
Inscription of Warding (The Aldor Honored) - +13 dodge rating либо
Greater Inscription of Warding (The Aldor Exalted) - +15 dodge rating +10 defense rating
The Scryers:
Inscription of the Knight (The Scryers Honored) - +13 defense rating либо
Greater Inscription of the Knight (The Scryers Exalted) - +15 defense rating +10 dodge rating
Back Slot.
+12 agility
Chest Slot.
+150 health либо +6 all stats
Wrist slot.
+12 stamina либо +4 all stats.
Hands slot.
+15 agility
Legs slot.
Clefthide Leg Armor - +30 stamina +10 agility (заплатка, крафтят лезерворкеры)
Feet Slot.
+12 agility либо +12 stamina
Main-Hand slot.
+35 agility.


Head slot.
Glyph of Ferocity (Cenarion Expedition Revered) - +34 attack power +16 hit rating, 90g
Shoulder slot. Зависит от фракции.
The Aldor:
Inscription of Vengeance (The Aldor Honored) - +26 attack power
Greater Inscription of Vengeance (The Aldor Exalted) - +30 attack power +10 critical strike rating
The Scryers:
Inscription of the Blade (The Scryers Honored) - +13 critical strike rating
Greater Inscription of the Blade (The Scryers Exalted) - +15 critical strike rating +20 attack power
Back Slot.
+12 agility
Chest Slot.
+6 all stats
Wrist slot.
+24 attack power.
Hands slot.
+15 agility либо +15 strenght либо +26 attack power
Legs slot.
Cobrahide Leg Armor - +40 attack power +10 critical strike rating (заплатка, крафтят лезерворкеры)
Feet Slot.
+12 agility
Main-Hand slot.
2H-weapon - +35 agility, 1H-weapon - +20 agility
Off-Hand slot.
+20 agility


Head slot.
Glyph of Ferocity (Cenarion Expedition Revered) - +34 attack power +16 hit rating, 90g
Shoulder slot. Зависит от фракции.
The Aldor:
Inscription of Vengeance (The Aldor Honored) - +26 attack power
Greater Inscription of Vengeance (The Aldor Exalted) - +30 attack power +10 critical strike rating
The Scryers:
Inscription of the Blade (The Scryers Honored) - +13 critical strike rating
Greater Inscription of the Blade (The Scryers Exalted) - +15 critical strike rating +20 attack power
Back Slot.
+12 agility
Chest Slot.
+6 all stats
Wrist slot.
+24 attack power.
Hands slot.
+15 agility либо +15 strenght либо +26 attack power
Legs slot.
Cobrahide Leg Armor - +40 attack power +10 critical strike rating (заплатка, крафтят лезерворкеры)
Feet Slot.
+12 agility
Main-Hand slot.
+20 agility для бедных, Mongoose для богатых. Желательно второе
Off-Hand slot.
+20 agility для бедных, Mongoose для богатых. Желательно второе


Head slot.
Glyph of Power (The Sha'Tar Revered) - +22 spell damage +14 spell hit rating, 90g
Shoulder slot. Зависит от фракции.
The Aldor:
Inscription of Discipline (The Aldor Honored) - +15 spell damage
Greater Inscription of Discipline (The Aldor Exalted) - +18 spell damage +10 spell critical strike rating
The Scryers:
Inscription of the Orb (The Scryers Honored) - +13 spell critical rating
Greater Inscription of the Orb (The Scryers Exalted) - +15 spell critical strike rating +12 spell damage
Back Slot.
+20 spell penetration либо Subtlety
Chest Slot.
+6 all stats либо +150 Health
Wrist slot.
+15 spell damage
Hands slot.
+20 spell damage
Legs slot.
Mystic Spellthread - +25 spell damage +15 stamina (заплатка, крафтят тейлоры Scryers)
Feet Slot.
+3 mana per 5 sec (заплатка, крафтят лезерворкеры) либо +12 stamina
Main-Hand slot.
+40 spell damage


Head slot.
Glyph of Renewal (Thrallmar Revered) - +35 healing +7 mana per 5 seconds, 90g
Shoulder slot. Зависит от фракции.
The Aldor:
Inscription of Faith (The Aldor Honored) - +29 healing
Greater Inscription of Faith (The Aldor Exalted) - +33 healing +4 mana per 5 seconds
The Scryers:
Inscription of the Oracle (The Scryers Honored) - +5 mana per 5 seconds
Greater Inscription of the Oracle (The Scryers Exalted) - +6 mana per 5 seconds +22 healing
Back Slot.
+20 spell penetration либо Subtlety
Chest Slot.
+6 mana per 5 seconds
Wrist slot.
+30 healing
Hands slot.
+35 healing либо крит
Legs slot.
Silver Spellthread - +46 healing +15 stamina (заплатка, крафтят тейлоры Aldor) либо эпическая нитка на 66 хила(на эпик вещи)
Feet Slot.
+3 mana per 5 sec (заплатка, крафтят лезерворкеры) либо +12 stamina либо виталити
Main-Hand slot.
+81 healing

Классы, не попавшие в список по билдам (мили шаманы, ретрибьюшн паладины, дисциплин присты)
подбирают энчанты по аналогии с похожими классами.


Здесь все очень просто. Для синего эквипа, и даже для ЗЕЛЕНОГО!!! (хотя настоящий рейдер  никогда не опозорит себя и не посрамит честь соратников по оружию ношением ветоши) допускается использование простых зеленых (не по цвету, а по качеству), профильных для вашего класса камней.
Что касается эпических вещей, честно добытых кровью и потом вместе с дружиною, либо созданных заботливыми руками умелых ремесленников - ежели поддаются данные вещи вставлению  камушков - да будут в них синие, профильные для вашего класса, камни.

P.S.Офицеры будут осуществлять проверку по химии, энчантам и камням у всех участников рейда.



ОМГ все сразу не упомнишь, даже для одного класа=)



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